How to Enjoy Your Fall Garden and Get a Head Start on Spring.

How to Enjoy Your Fall Garden and Get a Head Start on Spring.

We put our heads together to come up with a comprehensive list of things you can do in your yard this fall- whether it is your first fall garden or your 10th we hope this article will be a valuable resource for you- don’t forget to get your printable fall garden list available at the end of this article.

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Things To Consider When Using RediRoot

Things To Consider When Using RediRoot

When people see a RediRoot container for the first time they often slow down and do a double take. We get a lot of different responses after that. Frequently people ask if it was designed for hydroponics, some ask how to use it, some ask what it even is- and once in a...

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Air-Pruning Explained

Air-Pruning Explained

Whenever I describe air-pruning to someone I feel like I am both over and under explaining. In reality, this is a simple concept to explain and understand. Air-pruning is a method of root pruning that occurs as the plant grows rather than at the time of transplant....

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