Frequently Asked Questions
How can I place an order?
Call our 800 number (800) 654-2116 or send us an email to
Do you offer volume discounts?
Yes! We offer case, pallet, and container quantities and the pricing improves with each level.
Where can I purchase RediRoot?
Please see our Purchase page to find a store near you or an online distributor.
We are currently working to expand distribution of RediRoot so that it is more accessible to all growers. If you would like to see your local store carry RediRoot products please feel free to contact us at
How does pricing work and do you offer wholesale discounts?
We believe in fair and honest pricing which is why we do not change prices across the markets we serve. We do however provide discounts based on volume of an order as we see value in partnering with those who support RediRoot. Contact us directly to see what we can do for you.
Can I buy direct?
We work with customers to find the best ordering solution to fit their needs. Believe it or not it is generally more affordable to order through a local store or distributor. If for any reason that is not the best option for you we will sell to you directly. Just call us at 800.654.2116 or email us
General Use
What is air root pruning? What’s so great about it, anyway?
Air root pruning refers to the pruning effect that air has on roots when they become exposed to it. RediRoot containers allow aeration to happen at the sides of your root zone, pruning the root tips and signaling your plant to produce more lateral roots. More lateral roots mean your plant is going to absorb water and nutrients more efficiently, resulting in higher yield. #morerootsmorefruits
Won’t the soil run out the sides?
Unless you are using a fine mix, it won’t! Just make sure not to leave any big gaps when you’re potting and you’ll be golden.
Will the soil dry out faster?
Short Story: yes. Long Story: RediRoot containers promote a dense structure of water-loving lateral roots. As a result, they are going to use water more quickly and efficiently. Contact one of our Cultivation Specialists to learn more about how to achieve optimal results.
- Chris Murphey
Nursery Specialist
770.542.7229 - Ryan Coast
Commercial Cultivation Specialist
Why are circling roots bad for my plants and trees?
It may help to think of roots like the foundation of a plant or tree. The fibrous roots move out from the plant horizontally in soil to search for water and nutrients, this also helps provide some stability for plants and trees.
When roots begin to circle, as they do in a traditional solid wall container, they never stop. This means that over time circling roots strangle your plants and trees. Circling also reduces fibrous root growth. (Fibrous roots are what help your plants absorb water and nutrients.)
How does RediRoot help to prevent transplant shock?
Transplant shock is caused by shock and stress to a plant or trees roots at the time of the transplant process. This is primarily caused by root pruning, or separating roots due to the circling that happens in a solid wall container. Since the roots of plants grown in RediRoot are already pruned through air pruning our plants do not experience the same stress. Instead plants grown in RediRoot have roots that are ready to explode with new growth when transplanted.
Where is RediRoot made?
RediRoot is manufactured by NurserySource, made at our production facilities in China. Containers are made from 80% recycled materials.
Can I re-use my RediRoot containers?
YES! RediRoot is made to withstand multiple seasons of growth in a commercial environment. Some of our containers have been in use for over nine years! As a plastic product, we encourage the reuse and/or recycling of our containers as a way to help minimize the environmental impact. Reduce - Reuse - Recycle
Do you work with influencers?
As of 2018 we do not have an official influencer program however we do appreciate the opportunity to connect with those who see value in RediRoot. Please feel free to reach out by emailing
RediRoot Air Pruning Pots Frequently Asked Questions
What is air root pruning? What’s so great about it, anyway?
Why are circling roots bad for my plants and trees?
When roots begin to circle, as they do in a traditional solid wall container, they never stop. This means that over time circling roots strangle your plants and trees. Circling also reduces fibrous root growth. (Fibrous roots are what help your plants absorb water and nutrients.)
Where can I purchase RediRoot?
Please see our Purchase page to find a store near you or an online distributor.
We are currently working to expand distribution of RediRoot so that it is more accessible to all growers. If you would like to see your local store carry RediRoot products please feel free to contact us at
How can I place an order?
Can I reuse my RediRoot containers?
How does pricing work and do you offer wholesale discounts?
Can I buy direct?
I have a “brown thumb” will RediRoot help me be a better gardener?
RediRoot can help keep a consistent soil moisture and air-pruning naturally tends to increase the yield of fruit bearing plants and food crops so you will likely see more tomatoes. Still growing plants, like any new skill, is learned over time. We encourage new gardeners to keep learning and keep growing. In that same spirit, we will be growing too, working towards providing more information, resources, and tools that will help us all grow better plants and trees.
Will it take more water and nutrients to take care of my plants and trees in RediRoot?
When and how you water plants and trees can also be factors in water consumption. If you have questions about how RediRoot might work for your operation or garden we recommend reaching out to one of our specialists for a consultation.
- Chris Murphey
Nursery Specialist
770.542.7229 - Ryan Coast
Commercial Cultivation Specialist
Won’t the soil run out the sides?
Where is RediRoot made?
RediRoot Plant Propagation Containers & Air Pruning Frequently Asked Questions
What is air root pruning? What’s so great about it, anyway?
Why are circling roots bad for my plants and trees?
When roots begin to circle, as they do in a traditional solid wall container, they never stop. This means that over time circling roots strangle your plants and trees. Circling also reduces fibrous root growth. (Fibrous roots are what help your plants absorb water and nutrients.)
Where can I purchase RediRoot?
Please see our Purchase page to find a store near you or an online distributor.
We are currently working to expand distribution of RediRoot so that it is more accessible to all growers. If you would like to see your local store carry RediRoot products please feel free to contact us at
How can I place an order?
Can I reuse my RediRoot containers?
How does pricing work and do you offer wholesale discounts?
Can I buy direct?
I have a “brown thumb” will RediRoot help me be a better gardener?
RediRoot can help keep a consistent soil moisture and air-pruning naturally tends to increase the yield of fruit bearing plants and food crops so you will likely see more tomatoes. Still growing plants, like any new skill, is learned over time. We encourage new gardeners to keep learning and keep growing. In that same spirit, we will be growing too, working towards providing more information, resources, and tools that will help us all grow better plants and trees.
Will it take more water and nutrients to take care of my plants and trees in RediRoot?
When and how you water plants and trees can also be factors in water consumption. If you have questions about how RediRoot might work for your operation or garden we recommend reaching out to one of our specialists for a consultation.
- Chris Murphey
Nursery Specialist
770.542.7229 - Ryan Coast
Commercial Cultivation Specialist
Won’t the soil run out the sides?
Where is RediRoot made?
RediRoot Air Pruning Pots Frequently Asked Questions
What is air root pruning? What’s so great about it, anyway?
Why are circling roots bad for my plants and trees?
When roots begin to circle, as they do in a traditional solid wall container, they never stop. This means that over time circling roots strangle your plants and trees. Circling also reduces fibrous root growth. (Fibrous roots are what help your plants absorb water and nutrients.)
Where can I purchase RediRoot fabric bags?
Please visit The Grower’s Co-op to find a store near you or an online distributor.
We are currently working to expand distribution of RediRoot so that it is more accessible to all growers. If you would like to see your local store carry RediRoot products please feel free to contact us at
How can I place an order?
Can I reuse my RediRoot containers?
How does pricing work and do you offer wholesale discounts?
Can I buy direct?
I have a “brown thumb” will RediRoot help me be a better gardener?
RediRoot can help keep a consistent soil moisture and air-pruning naturally tends to increase the yield of fruit bearing plants and food crops so you will likely see more tomatoes. Still growing plants, like any new skill, is learned over time. We encourage new gardeners to keep learning and keep growing. In that same spirit, we will be growing too, working towards providing more information, resources, and tools that will help us all grow better plants and trees.
Will it take more water and nutrients to take care of my plants and trees in RediRoot?
When and how you water plants and trees can also be factors in water consumption. If you have questions about how RediRoot might work for your operation or garden we recommend reaching out to one of our specialists for a consultation.
- Chris Murphey
Nursery Specialist
770.542.7229 - Ryan Coast
Commercial Cultivation Specialist
Won’t the soil run out the sides?
Where is RediRoot made?
BREATHE – RediRoot Indoor and Outdoor Plant Pots FAQ

The key to growing healthy plants in RediRoot B R E A T H E is the 360° aeration provided by the cutout pattern on the planter. The aeration process helps reduce, even eliminate root rot and help your plant produce more fibrous roots through a natural process called air root pruning. When you utilize air-pruning your roots will no longer circle in your planter- instead, the air will naturally prune your roots sending a signal to your plant to grow even more.
Because B R E A T H E helps promote root growth plants develop a dense fibrous roots system primed to bring water and nutrients to your plant ensuring a long happy plant life.
I have a “brown thumb” will RediRoot help me be a better gardener?
RediRoot can help keep a consistent soil moisture and air-pruning naturally tends to increase the yield of fruit bearing plants and food crops so you will likely see more tomatoes. Still growing plants, like any new skill, is learned over time. We encourage new gardeners to keep learning and keep growing. In that same spirit, we will be growing too, working towards providing more information, resources, and tools that will help us all grow better plants and trees.
What is air root pruning? What’s so great about it, anyway?
Won’t the soil run out the sides?
Why are circling roots bad for my plants and trees?
When roots begin to circle, as they do in a traditional solid wall container, they never stop. This means that over time circling roots strangle your plants and trees. Circling also reduces fibrous root growth. (Fibrous roots are what help your plants absorb water and nutrients.)