“We rely on RediRoot to help us grow the best possible container liners and give our customers the greatest chance for success with a liner that will take off with new growth.”

-Carl Bouldin

Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse’s Top RediRooted Benefits

Contact Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse

Phone: 931-668-9339
Email: mailto:bouldinnursery@hotmail.com


About Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse

Established in 1981 Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse is a family-owned and operated nursery specializing in growing quality container liners. In the years since they have opened their doors the Bouldin’s have worked tirelessly to implement processes that ensure they deliver the strongest, healthiest plants to their customers. 

Terms of the Trade

Liners: Liners refer to a young tree that is sold to another commercial grower where it continues to grow before being sold to a consumer.

Container liner: A container liner is a liner grown in a container or pot.

Success rate: In this article, the success rate refers to the number of trees that survive the transplant process.

Air-pruning: Air-pruning, or air root pruning, is a process that stimulates a plant to grow new fibrous ‘feeder’ roots. This process occurs when more mature roots are naturally pruned by light and air as they reach the sides of a RediRoot planter.

How Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse Uses RediRoot:

If you were to look through the Bouldin catalog you would find a letter to their customers which boasts that Bouldin tree liners have a success rate in the high 90%.

In the nursery industry, where an average success rate often sits at 70%-80%, a success rate of over 90% is huge and the repercussions go beyond adding to their customer’s bottom line.

Bouldin works tirelessly to provide its customers with these consistently high-performing liners. They understand that a strong root system is a key component to achieving high success rates.

Bouldin looks for specific signs of root development to let them know a tree is ready to send to a customer. They want to see numerous root tips, secondary roots, and a non-spiraling root system. That’s where RediRoot comes in.

Bouldin grows in RediRoot Commercial Air-Pruning Containers. Air-pruning encourages the growth of ‘feeder’ roots, known as lateral roots. The lateral roots are responsible for delivering water and nutrients to plants and trees. The air-pruning process also keeps the roots from circling or spiraling, increases root mass, and allows for greater flexibility in planting timelines.

Because Bouldin also ships their liners in RediRoot they further add to their customer’s success. Plants shipped in RediRoot do not experience unnecessary transplant cycles, their roots are protected during shipping, and there is increased flexibility in the planting timeline than a bare root or rootbound liner.

Comments from RediRoot

In the time we have worked with Bouldin Nursery & Greenhouse we have been continuously impressed with their attention to detail. Pictures show the beauty and cleanliness of the nursery itself. What you don’t see in a picture is how meticulously they maintain everything from the equipment they use to the plants themselves.

While the Bouldin family would tell you they just try to operate a good business what we see goes beyond that. They are intentional about what they do and as a result, they have been able to shrink the ecological footprint for themselves and their customers while maximizing the economic benefit.

By doing what they can to ensure a high success rate Bouldin has maximized its own success and has been able to minimize watering cycles and nutrient use which helps protect our natural resources.

At the same time, their customers have to replace fewer trees which means they save money- not just on the cost of liners but on labor, input costs, and shipping. Less shipping is a benefit we all enjoy because less shipping equates to fewer emissions.

Go Bouldin!

Get RediRooted!

RediRoot helps plants and trees grow stronger healthier roots which leads to stronger healthier plants. Now featuring products for home gardeners and commercial growers.

Get RediRooted!

RediRoot helps plants and trees grow stronger healthier roots which leads to stronger healthier plants. Now featuring products for home gardeners and commercial growers.

Get RediRooted!

RediRoot helps plants and trees grow stronger healthier roots which leads to stronger healthier plants. Now featuring products for home gardeners and commercial growers.