RediRoot Containers Produce Superior Trees

February 2010
By J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.
Original Article:

RediRoot system of a Prairifire Crabapple grown in a #7 RediRoot container.

“RR” is your symbol of a superior root system. You’ll see this designation on many of the smaller-sized containers on our availability list. In our quest to produce trees with healthy, fibrous root systems, and to eliminate the development of circling roots, we are transitioning the production of our #2, #3, #5 and #7 plants into RediRoot™ containers. Items grown in these containers are designated on our availability list with an “RR” symbol.

Their innovative design of evenly spaced, vertical slots improves drainage and virtually eliminates circling roots. They are tough, reusable and more earth-friendly than conventional containers, as they are made of 80% recycled material and use less plastic in the manufacturing process.

Even though the containers drain more quickly, we’ve adjusted
our container soil mix to retain more water so you can maintain your customary watering schedules. The improved drainage reduces incidence of root disease and root rotting, and the air-pruned, branched white root tips are visible evidence of a healthy root system that will transplant well.

In our effort to bring you premium quality trees at competitive prices, we are making these trees available to you at no additional cost. Due to the increased vigor of RediRoot™-grown trees, we are producing a more consistent grade-out and yield of superior plants. We’re confident that you will experience fewer losses and quicker establishment in your nursery or your landscapes, and greater success for your customers who buy
our trees from you.

About J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.

For 70 years, J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. has been “Growing New Ideas.” As originators of the Red Sunset® Maple and introducer or co-introducer of more than 50 other patented or trademarked cultivars, our company is known as a premier source of up-to-date deciduous tree cultivars and new introductions. More than 500 varieties and cultivars of deciduous trees are carefully grown on rich Willamette Valley soils in the heart of Oregon, “The Nursery State.”