Repost: RediRoot Aeration Pots Review

Repost: RediRoot Aeration Pots Review

We love ‘em (RediRoot)! It seems they saved our beautiful crop of sunflowers from potentially serious problems or at the very least improved production where we would have otherwise expected diminished results due to poor conditions outdoors. Looking at the roots as a final inspection in the floral phase of this crop, they look thick, healthy white and vibrant with no signs of discolouration or rotting as may have otherwise occurred.

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Rolling Bench Drip Trays

Rolling Bench Drip Trays

August 2018 Original Article: Above: Each drip emitter delivers an exact amount of water & nutrients Grow More in Less Space With A Floating Aisle Way Rolling bench drip trays make grow room &...

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Superior Root Development with New Containers

Superior Root Development with New Containers

July 2017 Original Article: Nursery growers looking for containers to help develop a strong, healthy root system without circling roots can turn to RediRoot from NurserySource for...

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Air Root Pruning Nursery Containers

Air Root Pruning Nursery Containers

July 2014 By Leif Knecht Original Article: Knecht's Nursery has been using air root pruning for over 10 years to grow the best possible plants and trees for their customers. Photo courtesy of Knecht's Nurseries &...

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RediRoot Containers Produce Superior Trees

RediRoot Containers Produce Superior Trees

February 2010 By J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. Original Article: RediRoot system of a Prairifire Crabapple grown in a #7 RediRoot container. “RR” is your symbol of a superior root system. You’ll...

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